Would you Race on a Friday Evening?

Our Team has been in discussions about expanding, and was wondering if there would be interest in racing on Friday evenings.

This would be in addition to the current Wednesdays evenings that have been very successful.

This poll does not mean you’re committing to racing these nights though, it just let’s us know that you’d be interested in such an event.

  • I’d like to Race on most Fridays.
  • I’d like to Race every other Friday.
  • Wednesdays are enough for me.
0 voters

I would race more days but Friday is just a terrible day. Should consider Mondays instead

Thanks everyone for the votes!

We have submitted a request to extend our racing into every other Friday Evening and are just waiting for approval (insurance and stuff).

If every other Friday is successful, we will consider doing it every Friday, but as of right now we will plan (pending approval) on every other Friday, just to see how it goes. (Every Friday also makes a challenge for our organizers…not just myself but the Race Director and stuff too!)

We also have some exciting membership news and Trophy races on the way, so stay tuned!

Our permits for September could change depending on the nights the school needs the space (education takes priority over Mini-Z apparently! BoO!)

If this happens, we will likely consider a Monday :slight_smile: